Saturday, January 4, 2020
Climate Change is NOT a Problem Essay - 1439 Words
Global warming and climate change in general is one of those subjects that I hold very close to my heart; not because I go around in my spare time hugging trees and gathering vegans in Toyota Priuses to form a peaceful protest against big oil, but because climate change is a subject that everyone and their mom likes to chime in on without really knowing that much about. If you even mention that term â€Å"global warming†in a group of people, even the person who you wouldn’t believe can even form a sentence has an opinion. People must feel like it makes them better than others because they can regurgitate whatever CNN and Fox tells them. I’ve done about two or three papers on climate change and global warming in my highschool career, and even†¦show more content†¦The exhaust is released and it floats into the air and chips away at the ozone layer. With the ozone layer becoming thinner, more light and heat comes through, which, of course, will raise the t emperatures. To somebody new to the topic, this would be horrifying, and would make enough sense that it would scare you into buying a hybrid. In the past, they have found out that emission out of a car can be dangerous. Back in the 40s, we used lead in our gasoline. Health risks were rampant, but gasoline manufacturers and automotive companies would pay scientists and lawyers to side with them on the decision. It took large amounts work by a few heavily dedicated scientists to move for gasoline to be made unleaded, but eventually it did happen, we shook our lead dependency. (Dr. Neil Tyson’s â€Å"Cosmos†Series) However, unlike lead, carbon dioxide and greenhouse gasses emitted from anything human or human made has had no sign of large changes in our climate. University of Oregon actually gathered a petition of over seventeen thousand scientists saying that no sign of catastrophic heating of the earth’s atmosphere or disruption of the earth’s climate. (American Policy Roundtable) Seventeen thousand; that’s quite a number. Of course, now comes the time where I want to delve a little more into what they signed. They signed a petition saying that there is no human made cause of catastrophic climate changing. The key word that we all want to brushShow MoreRelatedClimate Change And Sociology : Global Warming1253 Words  | 6 PagesClimate Change and Sociology Danielle Cluphf College of Western Idaho Climate Change and Sociology Climate change known as global warming has been steadily increasing over time. Global warming is a catch phrase of social confusion. Society feels uncomfortable with this notion. Is it real or fake? Little do people know that human progression and population growth adds to carbon emissions in the atmosphere. 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