Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Implementing Green Technology In Malaysian Construction Industry Environmental Sciences Essay
Implementing Green Technology In Malaysian Construction Industry Environmental Sciences Essay This study covers the research on challenges of implementing green technology in Malaysian construction industry. This chapter comprises of background of the study, problem statement, objectives of study, significance of study, research methodology, and limitations of study, organisation of chapter and summary. 1.2 Background of the Study Green is a term that refers to something that environmental friendly in which helps to tackle global warming and climate change. Technology utilizes these green features are known as green technology. According to Kutting (2000), green technology is used synonymously with terms environmental technology or clean technology and can be said to refer to technologies that aim to have little impact on the environment. This technology is an idea and understanding found to be exceptionally beneficial to the environment as it can reduce greenhouses gases release to the atmosphere which in turn causes warming of the earth drastically. Humans these days have already gain awareness and deep understanding that these catastrophic disasters are now affecting their life that they persist in non-stop invention of many environmental-friendly technologies and retail them in the market. They comprehend this technology can reduce impact of activities that causes global warming and climate change. According to Rogier (2012), environmentally friendly technology utilizes many methods for reducing the impact that various activities have upon the earth. There are many types of green technology products available in the market that generate low level of waste and pollution such as solar photovoltaic panel, wind turbine and rain harvesting as stated by Rogier (2012), to be considered environmentally friendly, a product or action should be sustainable, produce as little waste and pollution as possible, and utilize the recycling and reuse of materials whenever possible. Nowadays, green technology plays important roles in the construction industry become part of the construction industry. Green technology such as solar panels and energy efficient appliances become essential features in the building. Besides, renewable and sustainable materials are integrated with these elements to make the building green or so-called green building. 1.3 Problem Statement The worlds climate has changed dramatically and confronted with many climatic problems since the birth of the Earth. This has proven when Bernstein (2007) states that warming of the climate system is unequivocal, as is now evident from observations of increases in global average air and ocean temperatures, widespread melting of snow and ice and rising global average sea level. Human nowadays are attempting to uncover answers to preclude the large-scale disaster. One measure ascertain to mankind is technology of more towards environmental friendly approach or known as green technology. In the beginning of 21st century, numerous advanced nations adopted the expansive utilization of green technology as they deem its capability in halting the global catastrophic disaster. The implementations to the building, vehicles and electronics have been developed among them. The encouragement and awareness of their populace enable the green technology industry to boost up the production. It differs to lower economical developed countries such as Malaysia; the challenges are superb when implementing green technology principally construction industry. Green technology is the decent invention to reduce level of carbon emission from buildings in Malaysia but all at once restrain the developers and contractors to apply it in Malaysian construction industry. The reasons are the high cost and minimal availability in the market. However, it is not necessarily that green technology involves with high expenses. Green technology need not be high-tech. It can be simple technology but still saves energy or creates very little environmental impact and can be easily used (Singh, 2010). Not only that the cost is the issue, also the local banks in Malaysia also are unwilling to risk in providing loan towards green incentives. Commercial banks were reluctant to disburse loans for green technology-related projects in Malaysia due to the possible lack of confidence in such ventures (Najib, 2010). 1.4 Objectives of the Study The aim of this dissertation is to explore about the challenges of implementing green technology in Malaysia construction industry. In order to achieve this aim the following objectives are recognized: To comprehend the low level of green technology resources. To understand scarce of financial initiatives in supporting green technology. To examine low level of knowledge among construction players and other related parties on green technology. 1.5 Significance of Study This study is expected to identify the challenges of implementing green technology in Malaysian construction industry. This finding eventually undertakes the problems encountered to implement green technology in Malaysian construction industry. It also assists paradigm shift to migrate from traditional construction to cleaner and greener construction. The outcome of this study will certainly benefit to one of the objective of the Construction Industry Master Plan (CIMP) which is to promote more innovative green construction. 1.6 Research Methodology The study on the problems to the embracing of green technology in Malaysia construction industry is a relatively new research area and there are deficient of relevant research in Malaysia require to be referred. Therefore, it must be conducted with the limited amount of resources but the study can be scoped only the Klang Valley area. Two types of data, that is primary data and secondary data. For the primary data, interview section and case study will be conducted. For the secondary data, literature reviews are written from references of books, articles and from the internet that are related to the research. The methodologies have been identified to facilitate the necessary data are as follows: Interviews (primary data) Case studies (primary data) Literature Reviews (secondary data) a) Interviews Quantitative methods such as questionnaire will not be very accurate and appropriate in obtaining the data for the research. This is due to the study requires individual opinions and assessments. Hence, qualitative methods for example interview is the best technique in order to obtain relevant data. This sort of methodology was carried out to request opinions and feedbacks from developers, architects, engineer and contractors about the cost of green technology to be used in construction site, the initiatives of local bank towards green technology investment and level of knowledge and experience on green technology among the players in Malaysian construction industry. b) Case studies This methodology is conducted in line with the interviews and supports this primary methodology. The case studies involved with previous and recent projects in which the buildings are built with green technology. Thus, it was carried out in the vicinity of Klang Valley where many green buildings are constructed. The examples of green buildings in this area are G-Tower in Kuala Lumpur, diamond buildings and LEO building in Putrajaya. These studies are to achieve the objective; to explore the lack of utilization of green technology in Malaysian construction industry. c) Literature Reviews Literature review are used to obtain the previous research predominantly on the challenges of implementing green technology in construction site which includes the cost and local bank initiatives and knowledge and experience among construction stakeholders 1.7 Limitation of Study For the scope of the study, the limitation is conducted in order to focus and narrow down the topic of specific areas in the research. The study will be centered on challenges to implement green technology in Malaysian construction industry: i. Respondents from contractors, developers, architects and engineers in construction industry. ii. G-Tower in Kuala Lumpur, diamond buildings and LEO building in Putrajaya. iii. Urban areas in Klang Valley. 1.8 Organisation of Chapter Figure 1.1: Chapter 1 Organisation 1.9 Summary This chapter comprises of background of the study, problem statement, objectives of study, significance of study, research methodology, and limitations of study, organisation of chapter and summary that cover the challenges facing construction technology to be executed in Malaysian construction industry. Study background embraces the term green technology, various types of green technology existed for sale and application of green technology in the construction industry. Problem statement comprises of the challenges such as lack of utilization, lack of initiatives from local bank and lack of knowledge and experience among construction stakeholders about implementation of green technology in construction site. This make out the objectives of study. The significance of the study can be summarized which it can undertakes the challenges by identifying the main factors of hardship in implementing green technology. There are three kinds of research methodology aiding the accomplishment of the study which are interviews, case studies and literature reviews. Limitations of study span within vicinity of Klang Valley. Organisation of chapter outlines the overall picture of the whole Chapter 1.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Graduation Speech -- Graduation Speech, Commencement Address
As I look back upon the past four years, in some ways it seems like my time at Kiper has been a lot like a day at the Magic Kingdom. From the moment I heard about Disneyland, I knew that I wanted to go. I counted the days until I got there, much the way that I counted the days until I left Harbour Pointe to migrate over to Kiper. Time passed so slowly because I was anticipating the great times ahead. At the end of middle school, my classmates and I thought we were so cool because we got to make that trip to someplace fun and exciting. On the first day of high school, we got up early like eager kids ready for a day of play. At Disneyland, people line up early to get their tickets and begin their enchanted day. As freshmen, we lined up early to get our class list, incredibly thrilled to finally be here. Our heads were full of the stories we had heard about how exciting it would be. Little did we know what awaited us. With our admission pass, commonly known as the schedule, we too got a map. Like Disneyland's, ours had pictures of the paths to take, leading to our varied destinations. Some thoughtful senior had actually color-coded mine, so I knew which direction to go. Our maps led to the science hall, the English hall and the Performing Arts Center, while Disneyland's led to Adventure Land, Toon Town and Main Street. Their map listed various places to grab sustenance like the Rainforest Cafe, Mickey's Kitchen and Rocket Pizza, while our map boasted four: the Commons, the East Campus Cafeteria, the Student Store and, God help us, the vending machines. With 10 minutes to go, the class of 2003 hurled themselves into the crowd of hustling students. Some of the freshmen were simply so glad to be there that the mod didn't... ... as a freshman and stared up at the brick edifice known as Kiper. It is incomprehensible that we have grown up so quickly and are about to leave forever. Never again will we all be in the same place in time. All good things must eventually end, but the wisdom, the friends and the experiences that have changed us will remain a part of us forever. It is unbelievable that the admission pass has expired and the gates are about to close. It is time that we leap out of a storybook fantasy and into the real world. Four years later, as graduating seniors and young adults, it is time to stow the baggage we collected, climb back into the car and drive down the road to the future, never looking back. It is time to journey out into the world, to make our places as individuals, a group no longer and to make our own unique mark upon the world. Congratulations, Class of 2003!
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Techniques of Poetry Appreciation
Techniques of Appreciating Poetry What is poetry? * Poetry is the creativity of a person's imagination. * It is nothing but rhythmical, imaginative language expressing the invention, taste, thought, passion, and insight of the human soul. * Like any other literary work, poetry needs to be understood to be appreciated. * The writer writes for a reason. * The purpose may be to evoke emotion, inform, define, represent something of the world or life, and to entertain. * Whatever the case, a poem is unique to its writer. And each poem can be analyzed to be appreciated.Here are some general ideas that may help one to acknowledge the beauty of the poem: Techniques of Poetry Appreciation: 1. Subject Matter * What is the poem about? * It talks about the general outline of the poetry. * It could be a person, an object, a place, an event, a situation or an experience. * What does the poet want you to focus on, in the poem or in each stanza? Answer: It is a dedication to the humble tomato, which is readily available to us at the grocery store or in our refridgerator. 2. Theme Once you have identified the subject of the poem, try and figure out what the poet wants to tell you.Look at the following: * the poet's message * his purpose * the ideas that he is conveying * the title; * What was the poet’s purpose or motive writing the poem? * What is the central idea of the poem? Always remember that feeling and tone work hand-in-hand with the subject & theme. Answer: * The theme of this poem is that you must learn to embrace the usual things in life that are often seen as dull, and find the beauty within them. * People must respect everything in life, no matter how insignificant it may seem * Pablo expresses his love towards tomatoes. The title of this poem is â€Å"Ode to Tomatoes†which is a dedication to the underappreciated but beautiful things throughout life. 3. Moods, Emotions and Experiences * What is the predominating mood of the poem? * Is it the poet fli ppant, sad, happy, dignified, angry, contemplative, or satirical? * Does the mood change? Answer: The poet changes the subject when speaking about different types of food: first tomatoes, then parsley, and oil. The poet changes the mood as he talks about different occasions: Summer feeling (mild, intense) Weddings (happy, bright) * What are some of the feelings expressed by the poet? What feelings does the poet arouse in you? * Does the poet succeed in conveying his emotions in you? Answer: * Man & Nature- This poem describes the relationship between man and a tomato. * Man v/s Man- This poem also describes societies view on mundane things. The tomatoes can be seen as representing people. It shows people’s different opinions and perspectives of others. 4. Language * Are the poet’s words appropriate and valid? * What emotions are built up around certain words? The words that are used and the way they are placed can enhance the power of the poet's creativity. Answer: Red viscera†= Guts (Violent). â€Å"Fiery colour†= Vibrant, passionate. â€Å"Bubble vigorously†= Aggressive, Enthusiasm. â€Å"Hemispheres†= Makes a tomato seem large and monumental. 5. Imagery There are various ways to paint a picture in the reader's mind through the use of words. * What are the symbolic or figurative devices used in the poem? * What effect is produced by the use of various figures of speechâ€â€metaphors, similes, personification? * Are the images visual, auditory, kinesthetic, tactile, olfactory or gustatory. Answer: â€Å"Summer light is halved like a tomato†= Day parted in half, it is noon. Summer- light is halved like a tomato†is a simile comparing the time of day to a tomatoes half, meaning that it is noon. â€Å"Tomato invades the kitchen†= Tomatoes are everywhere. â€Å"Tomato invades kitchen†is a personification. A tomato cannot physically invade and seize a kitchen; it is meant to show just ho w abundant the tomatoes are throughout the kitchen. â€Å"It sheds its own light†= Tomatoes radiate with beauty. â€Å"It sheds its own light, benign majesty†is a metaphor comparing the beauty the writer sees in the tomato to a wonderful light.He is saying that the tomatoes is brilliant and gorgeous; it stands out when he looks at it. â€Å"We must murder it†= Exaggerating the slicing of tomatoes. â€Å"We must murder it†is a hyperbole, exaggerating how we cut up the tomato. â€Å"It is wed to the clear onion†= It complements the taste of onions nicely. â€Å"It is wed to the clear onion†is a personification that shows how well the taste of tomatoes and onions complement each other. Pausing and punctuation have an effect on the structure, rhythm and rhyme of a poem. 6. Sounds * What about the sounds in the poem? Are the sounds in harmony with the thought and imagery? * Do the sounds suggest pictures, arouse emotions or bring out qualit y of the character? * What is the effect produced by the poet’s use of: alliteration, assonance, onomatopoeia and metre? * Are the musical qualities of the poem outstanding? * Is rhyme used for emphasis? 7. Rhyme * Does the poem have a set rhyme scheme? * How it is used in the poem? Is the movement slow, steady, or fast? OR Is the rhyme constant or varying? * Does the poet emphasize words or the message by means of the rhyme scheme? What is the purpose and effect of the rhyme scheme? 8. Form/ Structure * How is the poem structured? * How are the stanzas organised? * Is the structure itself convention? The form of the poem is very important. You should know what kind of poem you are dealing with: e. g. ballad, epic, ode, sonnet, dramatic monologue, elegy, etc. Answer: It is an Ode Its written to show reverence to the most ordinary things in life – claiming to have an extraordinary worth or value. Merits| Demerits| 1. Enriches learning of poetry| 1. Time consuming| 2. Ad d value to the text| | 3.Inculcates scientific temper and a spirit of inquiry. | | 4. Allows critical evaluation| | ‘Ode to Tomatoes’ by Pablo Neruda The street filled with tomatoes midday, summer, light is halved like a tomato, its juice runs through the streets. In December, unabated, the tomato invades the kitchen, it enters at lunchtime, takes its ease on countertops, among glasses, butter dishes, blue salt cellars. It sheds its own light, benign majesty. Unfortunately, we must murder it: the knife sinks into living flesh, red-viscera, a cool sun, profound, inexhaustible, populates the salads of Chile, happily, t is wed to the clear onion, and to celebrate the union we pour oil, essential child of the olive, onto its halved hemispheres, pepper adds its fragrance, salt, its magnetism; it is the wedding of the day, parsley hoists its flag, potatoes bubble vigorously, the aroma of the roast knocks at the door, it's time! come on! and, on the table, at the midpoint of s ummer, the tomato, star of earth, recurrent and fertile star, displays its convolutions, its canals, its remarkable amplitude and abundance, no pit, no husk, no leaves or thorns, the tomato offers its gift of fiery color and cool completeness.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Climate Change is NOT a Problem Essay - 1439 Words
Global warming and climate change in general is one of those subjects that I hold very close to my heart; not because I go around in my spare time hugging trees and gathering vegans in Toyota Priuses to form a peaceful protest against big oil, but because climate change is a subject that everyone and their mom likes to chime in on without really knowing that much about. If you even mention that term â€Å"global warming†in a group of people, even the person who you wouldn’t believe can even form a sentence has an opinion. People must feel like it makes them better than others because they can regurgitate whatever CNN and Fox tells them. I’ve done about two or three papers on climate change and global warming in my highschool career, and even†¦show more content†¦The exhaust is released and it floats into the air and chips away at the ozone layer. With the ozone layer becoming thinner, more light and heat comes through, which, of course, will raise the t emperatures. To somebody new to the topic, this would be horrifying, and would make enough sense that it would scare you into buying a hybrid. In the past, they have found out that emission out of a car can be dangerous. Back in the 40s, we used lead in our gasoline. Health risks were rampant, but gasoline manufacturers and automotive companies would pay scientists and lawyers to side with them on the decision. It took large amounts work by a few heavily dedicated scientists to move for gasoline to be made unleaded, but eventually it did happen, we shook our lead dependency. (Dr. Neil Tyson’s â€Å"Cosmos†Series) However, unlike lead, carbon dioxide and greenhouse gasses emitted from anything human or human made has had no sign of large changes in our climate. University of Oregon actually gathered a petition of over seventeen thousand scientists saying that no sign of catastrophic heating of the earth’s atmosphere or disruption of the earth’s climate. (American Policy Roundtable) Seventeen thousand; that’s quite a number. Of course, now comes the time where I want to delve a little more into what they signed. They signed a petition saying that there is no human made cause of catastrophic climate changing. The key word that we all want to brushShow MoreRelatedClimate Change And Sociology : Global Warming1253 Words  | 6 PagesClimate Change and Sociology Danielle Cluphf College of Western Idaho Climate Change and Sociology Climate change known as global warming has been steadily increasing over time. Global warming is a catch phrase of social confusion. Society feels uncomfortable with this notion. Is it real or fake? Little do people know that human progression and population growth adds to carbon emissions in the atmosphere. 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