Thursday, August 27, 2020
Spain The country, hertiages, the people , cullture etc.... total of 3 Essay
Spain The nation, hertiages, the individuals , cullture etc.... aggregate of 3 inquiries - Essay Example It is basic to figure out how to adjust to transforms we meet in another nation. Such nation as Spain has its own customs, which can impact each and every individual who finds out about it. For instance, an individual who learns Spanish customs can figure out how to lead quiet and agreeable life. The truth of the matter is that, for instance, Americans, as to work and get results rapidly. Spaniards don't prefer to hustle and dedicate more opportunity to each issue. Likewise, Spaniards give a lot of consideration to their social conventions, which are reflected in workmanship. Subsequently every individual can embrace this dedication to culture and craftsmanship. Spaniards like to arrange occasions and their lifestyle is normally merrier than the lifestyle of Americans. Inclining about Spain it is inconceivable not to embrace thusly of life as Spaniards realize how to appreciate life, while Americans give their life to business. Besides, the historical backdrop of Spain shows that Spa niards are the novel country that figured out how to change its political conditions consistently. A few realities from their history can fill in for instance and instruct students to actualize changes gradually and without stress. 2. Two Spains The Second Spain existed in 1931â€1939 during the time of Revolution in Spain. The term â€Å"Two Spains†got significant because of the impact this period forced on Spain’s further turn of events. ... Beyond reconciliation discussions about the past and future advancement of the nation happen till these days. Spanish political topography is the immediate result of the Civil War. From one viewpoint today’s Spain excite friendship. Its quiet exchange from the fascism to popular government can fill in as model. In any case, Spaniards realize that not all things are so extraordinary in their nation. The individuals from Royal Family have just overlooked when they crossed the outskirts of Basque Country once and for all. Clearly, they won't visit Catalonia †last time their visits were not fruitful as were joined by consuming their photographs and Spanish banners. Common War turned into the piece of the history, however its outcomes are felt even at this point. The replacements of renegades and republicans proceed to contest and these debates won't finish (Cowans 26). 3. Majority rule government In the advanced world vote based system is essential as it decides the governmen t assistance of the state. Each nation attempted to pick up majority rules system, however few out of every odd state figured out how to pick up it consistently. Most of the nations on the planet ought to have required exertion to pick up popular government. The exchange to majority rules system in Spain is viewed as the most consistent on the planet history. It occurred after the demise of Francisco Franco, who was the leader of the nation during 35 years. It is fundamental to make reference to that during the standard of Franco Spain was a supposed bandit of the Western world. The restrictions on visiting this nation were spread on American residents. The primary concern is that Spanish country was part after the Civil War in 1936-1939 and it appeared that it was part until the end of time. As a matter of fact, this war was as merciless and wicked as Civil War in Russia. Distance between the republicans and the individuals from Falanga were moving
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Important Presidential Elections Essay Thesis Example For Students
Significant Presidential Elections Essay Thesis Probably the most significant presidential elections1812 The appointment of 1812 comprised of a fight between James Madison, and DeWitt Clinton. Madison had spoken to both Democratic and Republicanbeliefs, while Clinton was a Federalist. James Madison was conceived in Port Conway, Va., on March 16, 1751. APrinceton graduate, he joined the battle for freedom on his returnto Virginia in 1771. He had been a functioning government official during the 1770s and1780s. He was extraordinarily know for advocating the Jefferson change program,and in the Continental Congress. Madison, in coordinated effort, hadparticipated enormously in the, Federalist, a paper whos fundamental reason for existing was toratify the constitution. Madison initially became president in 1809, when hebested Charles C. Pickney. He had driven the U.S. in an exceptionally disliked war, inwhich the U.S. hadnt been readied forthe War of 1812. De Witt Clinton was a Federalist, whos fundamental reason for the political race wasto get the U.S. out of a war wherein he felt was extremely superfluous. DeWittheld each significant elective office in New York between 1797 and1828assemblyman, congressperson, chairman of New York City, lieutenant governor,and repres entative. He was an altruist and supporter of human expressions and scienceand, as trench magistrate, advocated development of the Erie andChamplain channels The strategy where these up-and-comers got assignment was by theElectoral College, or by King Caucus. The possibility of political conventionshad not been available as of now. There were no outsider competitors inthis political decision. The significant issue of this political decision was the War of 1812. The War of 1812, orMr. Madisons War, had been extremely disliked among various segments ofAmerica. Essentially the boat proprietors in New England. The war was assumed toprotect. This war should support their transportation, yet rather, it hadkept them from exchanging and bringing in cash. The victor of the appointment of 1812 was James Madison. Madison collected128 appointive votes, while Clinton got 89, and the quantity of No VotesCast was 1. The Vice-presidential applicant, who won the political race wasElbridge Gerry, who got 131 discretionary votes, while Jared Ingersollreceived 86. There was no record of the quantity of mainstream votes in favor of thiselection. My assessment of why Madison had won the political decision is on the grounds that he had driven thecountry into the War of 1812, and subsequently, he ought to be permitted to fightit. He was additionally substantially more well known than De Witt Clinton. Madisons part inratifying the Constitution, and his other early deeds, were alsoinfluential on the voters minds. He additionally did really well during his firstterm. 1844 The contender for the appointment of 1844 were James K. Polk, and HenryClay. Two truly decent men, who had extraordinary designs for the U.S. Polkrepresented the Democratic party, while Clay spoke to the Whigs. James Knox Polk was conceived in Mecklenburg County, N.C., on November 2, 1795. He moved on from the University of North Carolina, from which he thenmoved to Tennessee, where he got noticeable in state governmental issues. He waselected to the place of delegates in 1825. He was chosen Speaker ofthe House in 1835. After four years, he was chosen legislative leader of Tennessee,but was beaten in pursues for re-appointment in 1841, and 1843. Martin VanBuren, the president before the 1844 political race, relied on Polk as hisrunning mate; yet when Van Burens remain on Texas estranged Southernsupport, the show swung to Polk on the Ninth polling form. Henry Clay, a key figure in U.S. governmental issues during the principal half of the19th century, was an ace of the specialty of political trade off. Conceived inHanover County, Va., on April 12, 1777, he considered law in Richmond andmoved to the outskirts territory of Kentucky in 1797. Dirt turned out to be more and moreimportant in Kentucky legislative issues, turning out to be speaker of the state get together in1807, and winning political race to the U.S. Place of Representatives in 1811. Mud made his first pursue the administration in 1824. Four men ran,including Andrew Jackson, were on the voting form. At the point when no applicant won amajority, Clay tossed his help to John Quincy Adams. Adams won andpromptly named Clay his secretary of state. The gathering individuals won their nomination by essential. The significant bombshell of thistime occurred during the Democratic show. Everybody expected VanBuren to be named the Democratic competitor, but since of Van Burensstand on Texas, the selection went to Polk. This political race hosted nothird-gathering competitors. The significant issue of this political race was the issue of Texas. Polk and theDemocrats, needed Texas in the Union. Earth likewise needed Texas, however he wasafraid that the obtaining of Texas would prompt war with Mexico. Claynever made it understood exactly where the Whig party stood. The Oregon territoryhad likewise been a major piece of this political decision. Oregon was the name given toall the land among Alaska and California, west of the Rocky Mountains. Both Great Britain and the U.S. asserted it. Polk said that the Oregonterritory would be Americas, regardless of whether it prompted war. The champ of the political decision was James K. Polk. He pulled in 170 electoralvotes, while Henry Clay got 105. There is no record of the number ofpopular votes in favor of this political decision. My assessment of why Polk won this political race is a direct result of his remain ashore. He accepted extraordinarily in Manifest Destiny, and this was well known at thetime. Mud, and the Whig party never made it understood with regards to where they stoodon Texas. Maybe if the voters had known without a doubt on which side of theline they stood, this political decision may have had an alternate result. 1912 The appointment of 1912 was a three-man race between Theodore Roosevelt, whowas a Progressive, William H. Taft, a Republican, and Woodrow Wilson, aDemocrat. Every one had their own thoughts on the most proficient method to change America, however onlyone would get an opportunity to do as such. Conceived in NYC on October in 1858, Theodore Roosevelt was a Harvard graduate. His inclinations included farming, governmental issues, and composing. Roosevelt was aRepublican individual from the New York get together from 1882-1884. He was anunsuccessful contender for city hall leader of NYC in 1886, however became policecommissioner of NYC in 1895. Roosevelt accepted the activity of president in1901, after the death of McKinley. Theodore Roosevelt embarkedmainly on moderating normal assets. He was very anit-enormous buisness. After his term was up, he was crushed in presidential essential as aRepublican, so he decided to begin his own gathering, known as theProgressives. Teddy pulled the greater part of the votes in appointment of 1912, butthe split among him and Taft made Wilson become president. Harrison Bergeron Essay Why F.D.R. won the political decision as I would see it is on the grounds that he was a greatpresident. The American individuals cherished him, and his style of government. Hegained the trust of the American individuals, by getting them out of the GreatDepression. That is the reason he was chosen for the administration more than anyother president before his time. 1964 The appointment of 1964 was a challenge between Lyndon B. Johnson, a Democrat,and Barry M. Goldwater, a Republican. Johnson was conceived on August 27, 1908, close to Johnson City, Texas, the eldestson of Sam Early Johnson, Jr., and Rebekah Baines Johnson. Johnsonattended government funded schools in Johnson City and got a B.S. degree fromSouthwest Texas State Teachers College in San Marcos. He at that point educated for ayear in Houston before going to Washington in 1931 as secretary to aDemocratic Texas congressman, Richard M. Kleberg. In 1933, Franklin D. Roosevelt was chosen President. Johnson incredibly appreciated the president,who named him, at age 27, to head the National Youth Administration inTexas. In 1937, Johnson looked for and won a Texas seat in Congress, where hemastered open works, recovery, and open force programs. When warcame to Europe he supported Roosevelts endeavors to help the Allies. DuringWorld War II he served a concise voyage through well-trained with the U.S. Naval force inthe Pacific, yet came back to Capitol Hill when Roosevelt reviewed membersof Congress from well-t rained. Johnson kept on supporting Rooseveltsmilitary and international strategy programs.In 1953 he won the activity of SenateDemocratic pioneer. The following year he was handily reappointed as representative andreturned to Washington as larger part pioneer, a post he held for the following 6years in spite of a genuine coronary failure in 1955. Barry Morris Goldwater, conceived in Phoenix, Arizona on January 1, 1909, wasthe fruitless Republican presidential up-and-comer in 1964. Goldwater waselected to the Senate from Arizona in 1952. A firm traditionalist, he becamea representative for conservative Republicans in their battle against biggovernment, pushing rather more noteworthy state and nearby powers. Hevigorously restricted government assistance allocations as communist and soughtto control open responsibility for. A solid enemy of Communist, Goldwatersupported American military intercession in Vietnam and reprimanded effortsto accomplish tranquility with the USSR. He was conclusively vanquished by LyndonJohnson in the 1964 presidential political decision. Goldwater served in the Senateuntil retirement in 1987. Every applicant won his designation by a Presidential Convention, with theprocess of essential races. There were no outsider applicants in thiselection. The primary issue of this political decision was social liberties. Numerous individuals opposedLyndon B. Johnsons laws, asserting them to be too star dark. Manyliberals and blacks themselves accepted that the laws didnt go far enough. Race riots broke out in various urban communities on account of these contentions. The victor of the political decision was Johnson, by an overwhelming margin. He acquired apopular vote aggregate of 43,129,484, and a discretionary vote aggregate of 486. Goldwater, then again, won a well known vote aggregate of 27,178,188, andan discretionary vote aggregate of 52. The explanation Johnson won the appointment of 1964, as I would like to think is on the grounds that ofhis earlier term. He had the option to recapture control of the White House, aftertaking over for the killed John F. Kennedy. It was a period ofequality and social liberties, and numerous individuals preferred and concurred with where hestood on these
Friday, August 21, 2020
5 Essential Elements Of Good Logo Design Explained
5 Essential Elements Of Good Logo Design Explained Make Money Online Queries? Struggling To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up On (HBB) Forum Now!5 Essential Elements Of Good Logo Design ExplainedUpdated On 26/03/2016Author : Eva DaviesTopic : BusinessShort URL : CONNECT WITH HBB ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow @HellBoundBlogA logo is one of the most important constituents of a business’s identity. The logo communicates to your business contacts and clients through business cards, stationary, website, invoices, receipts, packaging and other marketing materials.The logo should look professional and convey the significance of the business properly. Above all, the logo should be designed to ensure the customers will remember it. It is important because the logo conveys a very significant message about your business to the customers and everyone else. People tend to perceive different things about your business with your logo.Elements Of Good Logo Design ExplainedRUNNING OUT OF IDEAS FOR YOUR BUSINESSS LOGO DESIGN? CHECK THIS:15 Stunning (And Sensitive) Logo Designing Ideas For Your BusinessTo ensure that the customers remember your logo, you need to incorporate certain aspects to it which are described below.1. MeaningA successful business logo should have a meaning. Look at your logo and see if it carries the message to the customer. If you are starting real estate business, try adding an image of a house or a building to reflect the nature and scope of your business. Customers try to extract the information from a logo to know what the business is all about and remember it.2. ColorChoosing the right color is somewhat critical. Color attracts the customer’s eye and can deliver the message very easily, thus enabling them to remember it. For example, using red color in the logo indicates intensity or energy. Contrarily, blue color gives a very soothing effect and has a calming influence, while purple adds royalty to the logo. Color such as brown and white are not easy to track the message of the l ogo and have lesser chances to be remembered by the customers.READSecure Online Casino Deposits - Protect Your Credit Card3. RepresentationThe most successful logos in the world carry very simple and refined images. You must remember that your logo will be used at different places with variations to sizes. Think of how it will look on the website, receipts, envelopes, large shopping bags, etc. Logo size usually contributes a lot towards gaining the customer attention. The best logo should be able to represent your business regardless of size; it should do well even with a thumbnail size. The more intricate the logo is, the lesser the chance to catch the customer’s eye.4. Design ContrastA considerate logo should have a high impact or contrast. A brightly colored logo against a light or white colored background immediately catches the customer’s eye and retains it in the mind successfully.5. Life of the LogoA logo should be timeless to enable the customers to remember it forever. It should cater to the changes according to time and requirements. While designing the logo you should keep in mind that it should be able to exist in the customer’s mind after 10 or 20 years and maybe forever.YOUR LOGO PLAYS A KEY ROLE EVERYWHERE, SO AVOID THESE MISTAKES:10 Common Brand Logo Mistakes You Should Definitely AvoidLogos around the world have drastically influenced the financial portfolios of huge businesses. If you look at the most successful brands, they have established themselves through a simple and diminutive logo. Simple and plain looking logos preserve for longer in the minds of the customers only in a matter of seconds.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Establishing Special Economic Zones - 987 Words
Inspired by the success of the Silicon Valley, numerous states began to establish special economic zones, or scientific parks in pursue of economic growth in a region and diversification of the innovation potential. Considered to be a tool for attraction the small companies with high innovative orientation, such parks have become an international phenomenon. The variety of patterns of existing parks can be explained by the difference in social-economic formation of specific countries, their history, cultural legacy and mentality. Having come through difficult economic reforms of 80s-90s, Russia found itself in a situation of strong crude materials dependence and relative inability to compete successfully on the international and domestic markets. Recent trend in IT and innovation technologies suggested the need for the country to catch up with those who in the lead. Skolkovo is an example of how Russian officials adopt best foreign practices for domestic market in order to eliminate the problem of long-term lagging. However, Skolkovo, despite being protected by the government, is deemed to have a lot of problem inherited from Russian mentality and business ethics. The need for finding the solution of long standing problems justifies the purpose of this paper. Purpose of the paper is to investigate nature of science parks, in particular Skolkovo Project. We hypothesize that the model of Skolkovo’s development can be successful in the current Russian economic environment.Show MoreRelatedChina and Africa Trade Relations Essay1873 Words  | 8 PagesChinese explorer Zheng He â€Å"reached the east coast of Africa where†¦Zheng came, saw and never conquered†¦[leaving only a legacy] of trade, stimulating a local market for Chinese silk and porcelain†(Raine 13). This incident is important in further establishing solidarity between the two nations. China refers to this history to prove â€Å"it has interacted commercially without further agenda and without detriment to Africa†(Raine 14). It uses this point to relate to Africa – they are both Third World nationsRead MoreThe Poor Cannot Afford to Be Unemployed Essay892 Words  | 4 Pagesburdened with high unemployment but also from dire conditions fa ced by those who are already employed. This now questions my belief on whether the establishment of special economic zones by the current government would remedy both problems. Lastly, it is a question of whether there is a need to reconsider the merits of unemployment in establishing policies. Filipinos deserve something better. 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Another desire was to scatter Sheikh islands along the coastline of Dubai. The reason for that - not a whim or a desire to be like God, creating new worlds and landscapes, and a simple economic benefits: to extend the total length of the beach and built near the property prices that are going wild. Hotel - Burj Al Arab sailboat Hotel - Burj Al Arab sailboat Photo: Karim Sahib / AFP Many, arguing about the success of Dubai, with a shareRead MoreThe La Rose Noire Company1413 Words  | 6 Pagesadditional costs by having to pay heavy duty rates or pay a third party. Guangdong is considered a special economic zone, which offers special advantageous benefits to foreign investors, such as Dubois. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020
Analysis Of Night By Elie Wiesel - 707 Words
The book â€Å"Night†by Elie Wiesel is an emotional read. He tells his story in hopes to influence the world to not act so hateful to one another. He wants to bring awareness to his readers. The way Wiesel interprets his memoire is powerful. Elie goes into great detail about the events that took place in the concentration camp. He describes the way they were treated and their struggle to survive. He explains his story with good attribute to the Germans. The memoire is so effective because these events happened in real life. Elie Wiesel is an American Jewish writer and a Holocaust survivor. Wiesel talks about his memories in the Auschwitz concentration camp and how these horrific events affected his life. He goes into great detail about what†¦show more content†¦Never shall I forget these things, even if I am condemned to live as long as god himself. Never.†Only the power of someone’s voice could help us understand. That’s why it’s so important for people to open up and tell their stories. Without those people all we have are statistics and no real connection. Reading about individuals struggling to survive is hard. Teaches one to be grateful for the little things. The book is full of emotions. Takes the reader on an emotional roller-coaster. I personally cried while reading about the tragic events that look place in the concentration camp. Going days without food nor water definitely wouldn’t be easy. Losing faith in your God would weaken your hope to fight for life. Staying physically, mentally and spiritually stable would be a fight in ones self. Living every day in fear would take a toll on your well being. Not knowing when it’s your turn to die nor what’s going to happen next is unsettling. I find Elie Wiesel strong for not giving up. He took care of himself and his father. Always put his father first when he was ill. He is brave for coming forward with his story and sharing these horrific events. Overall the book â€Å"Night†was emotional. His memoireShow MoreRelatedAn Analysis Of Night By Elie Wiesel1089 Words  | 5 PagesAn Analysis of Night Black Three Sabrena Hall November 17, 2015 â€Å"To surpass monsters, you must be willing to abandon your humanity.†-Hajime Isayama, Shingeki no Kyojin Night by Elie â€Å"Eliezer†Wiesel is a story that contains many conclusions about humanity as a whole, including the idea that if humans are treated as if they aren t human, and are deprived from proper human interaction, then they are quick to act uncivilized, almost feral. It s unsettling how quickly people can switch to a primalRead MoreNight By Elie Wiesel Analysis817 Words  | 4 Pages The novel, Night told by Elie Wiesel, is an autobiography written about him and his family being seized out of their home in 1944 to the concentration camps of Auschwitz and Buchenwald. Night is the alarming record of Eli Wiesel’s recollections of the passing of his family, and his despair as a profoundly perceptive Jew going up against irrefutably the abhorrence of man. In the beginning of the novel, Elie described his father as a straightforward sort of man. As in the novel Elie stated, â€Å"My fatherRead MoreAnalysis Of Night By Elie Wiesel1198 Words  | 5 PagesIn the memoir Night, written by Elie Weisel, you take a journey through the 1940s, and learn what it was like to live during the Holocaust. Night records the life of Elie Wiesel during his teen years, and the oppression he and his family went through because of their Jewish descent. The Holocaust was a horrifying genocide where Adolf Hitler and the Nazis strived to wipe out the Jewish race, as well as Poles, Slavs, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Homosexuals, Gypsies, etc. Jews were taken from their homesRead MoreNight By Elie Wiesel Analysis764 Words  | 4 PagesYes, I did see this, with my own eyes†¦ children thrown into the flames.†(Wiesel 32). The previous sentence is a quote from Elie Wiesel’s memoir, Night. Wiesel’s memoir is a first person account of a survivor of the Holocaust that occurred between 1933-1945. Over six million Jews were placed in concentration camps and murdered during this time period. Less than one percent of the Jews in the holocaust survived, but Elie Wiesel was one of the very few survivors. He lived on to tell his story of theRead MoreAnalysis Of Night In Night By Elie Wiesel1183 Words  | 5 PagesIn Night, Elie Wiesel shines light upon that when times are rough, it is easy to be selfish. This was cle arly captured when young fourteen-year-old Elie Wiesel was watching as the Nazi’s take away his valuables, friends, faith, and family. As if every piece of him was broken glass, he had to pick himself up along the way. It all started in 1944, in the suburb of Sighet, Romania. It was a marvelously bright day, a beautiful day. But today, the Nazis had forced Wiesel, the rest of his family, andRead MoreNight By Elie Wiesel Analysis716 Words  | 3 Pagescontrary, some individuals lost their religion due to their unimaginable experience in the concentration camps. The memoir Night, reminisces Elie Wiesel’s journey. Forced to go to concentration camps, Elie adapted to a hardworking man to prevent selection. From studying Talmud to looking at the mirror, Elie describes the story in great detail. In the memoir Night, the author Elie Wiesel, exhibits the struggle of maintaining religion through the use of internal conflict. The memoir owns several accountsRead MoreAnalysis Of Night In Night By Elie Wiesel813 Words  | 4 PagesThe Holocaust was a horrible event, one most people hate to think of much less speak of. This event however is the base of young Elie Wiesel’s life and story. The memoir Night by Elie Wiesel is all about his personal journey and place in the telling of the Holocaust. In the book he is sent to Auschwitz as a lamb is sent to the slaughter. He reiterates his transformation during this time, a transformation where he diverts from his Jewish roots and loses his faith in a merciful and Almighty God. Read MoreNight By Elie Wiesel Analysis903 Words  | 4 Pages Eliezer â€Å"Elie†Wiesel, a Jewish writer, professor, political activist, Nobel laureate and Holocaust survivor, acknowledged that â€Å"There is so much injustice and suffering crying out for our attention: victims of hunger, of racism, and political persecution, writers and poets, prisoners in so many lands governed by the left and by the right. Human rights are being violated on every continent. More people are oppressed than free.†When the Nazis came to power in Germany in 1933, they believed thatRead MoreNight By Elie Wiesel Analysis787 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"To forget the dead would be akin to killing them a second time.†, said Elie Wiesel the author of night. Elie Wiesel is a holocaust survivor, he went through 5 different concentration camps. He was dehumanized, malnourished, and abused. He lost all his possessions, his family, and his humanity. In Elie Wiesel’s â€Å"Nigh t†, the German Army dehumanizes Elie Wiesel and the jewish prisoners by depriving them of family, food, and self esteem. The Nazis’s dehumanized the jews by depriving them of basic humanRead MoreAnalysis Of The Night By Elie Wiesel1385 Words  | 6 Pagesdetermination in people’s lives. Determination is a trait that each individual possesses. However, the degree of this characteristic varies for each individual and depends on the person’s capabilities and willingness to attain a goal. In the Night, author Elie Wiesel provide the readers with an insight of how determination became the guidance for the Jewish people who suffered dreadful torture and endured a horrid lifestyle under the Nazi’s fascist and anti-semitic regime. Furthermore, due to continuous
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
How Glucagon Is The Other Hormone Produced By The Islets...
Glucagon is the other hormone produced by the Islets of Langerhans. This hormone is produced by the alpha cells in the islets, which detect when blood sugar levels are too low (around 70 mg/dL) and respond by releasing glucagon. Glucagon stimulates the breakdown of stored glycogen into glucose through a process called glycogenolysis, and releases the glucose back into the bloodstream, thus raising blood sugar levels to a higher concentration. As blood glucose levels return to its equilibrium, the concentration of glucagon lowers until the time when glucose levels rise again. In reaction to this, insulin levels rise and fall with the levels of blood glucose concentration. In the case of the Rainbow Rage biker, assuming that they continue for an extended period without food, more and more glycogen is broken down by glucagon. In this case, if all carbohydrates, glucose, and stores of glycogen are depleted, the body will go into ketosis. Ketosis is the breakdown of fats stored in adipose tissue into ATP, by breaking down the triglycerides into glycerol and fatty acids. Further breakdown, called beta-oxidation, which turns the three fatty acid chains in the triglycerides into acetyl-CoA, can then be used to produce ATP through the Krebs cycle. However, these triglycerides are unable to be used as fuel for certain tissues like the brain because of the high selective permeability of the blood-brain barrier. Instead, the brain relies on ketones for energy, which are created by theShow MoreRelatedHomeostasis Biology 91604 (3.4B). †¢Describe The Purpose1604 Words  | 7 Pagesor below approximately 5 mM, the sensor will be able to inform the rest of th e body. The controller releases the appropriate hormones needed to control the blood sugar levels, Hormones are the chemical messages that are produced when the controller is told that the blood glucose level is too high or too low, depending on this, the hormones produced can either be glucagon (to raise blood glucose) or insulin (to lower blood glucose). Insulin is the ‘key’ to unlocking cells to let the glucose in. AnRead MoreGlucose Regulation And Its Disruption Essay1810 Words  | 8 Pagesconsciousness, and death. On the other hand, long lasting elevation of blood glucose concentrations, can result in blindness, renal failure, vascular disease, and neuropathy. Therefore, blood glucose concentrations need to be maintained within narrow limits. 2.1 How is this regulated? The homeostatic system that controls the blood glucose levels in humans is controlled by the endocrine system using negative feedback. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Response To The Scarlet Letter Essay Example For Students
Response To The Scarlet Letter Essay Response to The Scarlet LetterConfess thy truth and thou shall have eternal rest. I belive that is the moral to be taught in this novel of inspirational love, yet a novel of much sorrow. The impossible became possible in The Scarlet Letter, a story set back in the Puritan Times. In this response, I will give my reactions in writing to different aspects of the novel;the characchters, my likes and dislikes, my questions, and my opinion of the harsh Puritain lifestyle. Hester Prynne, the Reverend Dimmesdale, and Roger Chillingworth each suffered guilt in their own way in the novel The Scarlet Letter. In the beginning of the novel, Hester Prynne should have not suffered the way she did on the scaffold alone. She was forced to be intergated by the high-officials of the town, while holding her little Pearl in arms. Making matters worse, the father of the child was in that very group of officals. She was then sentenced to wear the scarlet letter A, showing her guilt externally. Unable to take it off, she was forced to show her guilt to the entire settlement. However, the Reverend Dimmesdale suffered internally, with a scarlet letter of his own engraved in his mind, and on his chest as well. He felt like he betrayed God, and beat himself in a frenzy to prove his wrongdoing. He often questioned wheather his authority was true or not. Roger Chillingworth suffered the least, because he only failed to reveal the secret that he knew, the father of the child who Hester Prynne was forced to live with. This small restriction to his life forced him to suffer internally. I had different likes and dislikes in the novel The Scarlet Letter. There were many things that needed to be judged to fit into the given catagories, including; character attitudes, and character decisions. For example, the attitude displayed from the Reverend Mr. Dimmesdale was rather unnapealing to me. There are different ways of settling ones guilt rather than whipping oneself in a closet. The one character whose attitude was appealing to me was that of Pearls. She showed that mistakes in a relationship often lead to bad situations. Her mischeif and connection to the devil are examples of just those situations. Character decisions played an euqally important role. For example, I thought the descision for Hester not to tell who was the father of Pearl on the scaffold to be very brave, but was wrong. She could have ended it a lot quicker if she told the truth. A descision that I supportted was the plan for Hester, the Reverend Dimmesdale and Pearl to leave town, because it was a way to start a new life. Certain questions came about when reading The Scarlet Letter. Many of them involved small details. . For example, why did Hester not tell her daughter at a younger age what the A embroidered on her clothes meant? Why did the minister wear elaborate garments when conducting his self-punishment in the closet? However, other questions were involving larger situations. Why did the minster keep quiet when he knew he wouldnt live for much longer? What made Hester finnally remove her scarlet letter (for a short period of time)?The Puritanic age was a harsh and brutal period of time. At many times, citizens had no rights whatsoever. The persecuted depended on the fate of the few elite, or the top officials of town. Their laws were srict regaurding having a child out of wedlock, and if not followed, a scarlet letter A would place itself upon that person(s). My thoughts on the whole Puritanic epoch are not sympothetic. The strict rules set guildlines and formed a society in which much of it ha d no problems. I would even think that if applied to currnet times, it would turn society around dramatically. .u5e6f08ad2fc9f0a2a1bf5069c32f2051 , .u5e6f08ad2fc9f0a2a1bf5069c32f2051 .postImageUrl , .u5e6f08ad2fc9f0a2a1bf5069c32f2051 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u5e6f08ad2fc9f0a2a1bf5069c32f2051 , .u5e6f08ad2fc9f0a2a1bf5069c32f2051:hover , .u5e6f08ad2fc9f0a2a1bf5069c32f2051:visited , .u5e6f08ad2fc9f0a2a1bf5069c32f2051:active { border:0!important; } .u5e6f08ad2fc9f0a2a1bf5069c32f2051 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u5e6f08ad2fc9f0a2a1bf5069c32f2051 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u5e6f08ad2fc9f0a2a1bf5069c32f2051:active , .u5e6f08ad2fc9f0a2a1bf5069c32f2051:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u5e6f08ad2fc9f0a2a1bf5069c32f2051 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u5e6f08ad2fc9f0a2a1bf5069c32f2051 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u5e6f08ad2fc9f0a2a1bf5069c32f2051 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u5e6f08ad2fc9f0a2a1bf5069c32f2051 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u5e6f08ad2fc9f0a2a1bf5069c32f2051:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u5e6f08ad2fc9f0a2a1bf5069c32f2051 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u5e6f08ad2fc9f0a2a1bf5069c32f2051 .u5e6f08ad2fc9f0a2a1bf5069c32f2051-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u5e6f08ad2fc9f0a2a1bf5069c32f2051:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Liability Of A Car Accident EssayBook Reports
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
Margaret Atwood Essays (1262 words) - Margaret Atwood,
Margaret Atwood ~MARGARET ATWOOD~ There is so much silence between the words... SOCI 4019 September 29, 1999. An Overview of Works, Styles, and Themes Margaret Atwood has written a great number of novels and other forms of literature. The major press editions are as follows: ~ WORKS~ Poetry ? 1964, The Cirle Game ? 1968, The Animals in That Country ? 1970, The Journals of Susanna Moodie ? 1970, Procedures for Underground ? 1971, Power Politics ? 1974, You are Happy ? 1978, Selected Poems ? 1978, Two-Headed Poems ? 1981, True Stories ? 1984, Interlunar ? 1987, Selected Poems II: Poems Selected and New, 1976-1986 ? 1990, Selected Poems 1966-1975 ? 1995, Morning in the Burned House Short Fiction ? 1977, Dancing Girls ? 1983, Murder in the Dark ? 1983, Bluebeard's Egg ? 1991, Wilderness Tips ? 1992, Good Bones Novels ? 1969, The Edible Woman 1985, The Handmaid's Tale ? 1972, Surfacing 1988, Cat's Eye ? 1976, Lady Oracle 1993, The Robber Bride ? 1979, Life Before Man 1996, Alias Grace ? 1981, Bodily Harm Children's Books ? 1978, Up in the Tree ? 1980, Anna's Pet ? 1990, For the Birds ? 1995, Princess Prunella and the Purple Peanut Non-Fiction ? 1972, Survival: A Thematic Guide to Canadian Literature ? 1977, Days of the Rebels 1815-1840 ? 1982, Second Words: Selected Critical Prose ? 1995, Strange Things: The Malevolent North in Canadian Literature Edited ? 1982, The New Oxford Book of Canadian Verse in English ? 1986, The Oxford Book of Canadian Short Stories in English ? 1987, The Canlit Foodbook ? 1989, The Best American Short Stories ? 1995, The New Oxford Book of Canadian Short Stories in English ~ STYLE ~ Although many have used Margaret Atwoods style of writing poetry, not one has yet to compete with her words. Typically, Margaret sticks to formal style of poetry, using original text with separated stanzas. Margarets stlye of writing gives an overwhelming effect to the reader; moreover, her style of writing adjusts to the theme of the particular piece. ~ THEMES ~ The essential features of Atwood's fictions and poetry has been described as a search for a personal and national identity. Survival is a central theme throughout her works, as is the quest for self unity. Biography Margaret Atwood was born in Ottawa, Ontario, on November 18, 1939. Because her father was a forest entomologist, Atwood spent most of her childhood living in the Canadian Wilderness. During the eight months of each year that her father did insect research in the forest, the Atwood family lived in ?a cabin with a wood stove and several kerosene lanterns. There were bears and wolves and moose and loons? ( qtd. in ?Author Profile?). While this lifestyle was exciting, she did not have most modern conviences and technology. To entertain herself, Atwood read books. They became her only means for entertainment and escape. ?I read them all, even when they weren't supposed to be for children? (qtd. in ?Author Profile?). During this childhood of reading, Atwood also began to write. By the age of six, ATwood was writing poems, morality plays, comic books, and an unfinished novel about an ant. Ten years later, Atwood decided that she only wanted to write. She wanted to live a double life; to go places she had not been before; to examine life on earth; to come to know people in ways, and at depths, that were otherwise impossible; to be surprised; and to give something of what she had received. Two years after this life-altering decision, Atwood entered Victoria College at the University of Toronto. She received her bachelor's degree from Victoria College in 1961, and then went on to receive her Master's degree from Radcliffe College in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Atwood also received education from Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, during 1962-63 and 1965-67. Atwood began her career through self-publication. She sold these books for fifty cents each. During this period, Atwood married Graeme Gibson, a fellow writer who was born in London, Ontario, in 1934. Togehter, they have three grown children and two cats. Although Atwood both grew up and resides presently in Canada, she ahs lived in numerous cities throughout the world. The Canadian residences include Ottawa, Sault Ste. Marie, Toronto, Montreal, Edmonton, Alliston, and Vancouver. In the United States, Atwood has lived in Boston, Massachusetts, and in Alabama. She has also lived and travelled in England, France, Italy , and Germany. Geographical, Historical, Political and Social Influences With respect to the fact that Atwood was raised, and spent most of her childhood in the Canadian wilderness, it is safe to say that her geographical surroundings influenced her in several ways. While residing in the wilderness
Monday, March 9, 2020
Understanding the Challenges of Glaucon and Adeimantus in Plato’s Republic Essay Essay Example
Understanding the Challenges of Glaucon and Adeimantus in Plato’s Republic Essay Essay Example Understanding the Challenges of Glaucon and Adeimantus in Plato’s Republic Essay Paper Understanding the Challenges of Glaucon and Adeimantus in Plato’s Republic Essay Paper Essay Topic: Public Speaking A significantly big facet of Plato’s duologue entitled Republic is the treatment of the construct of justness. On a preliminary note. the significance of such a construct makes itself manifest in our deepest inquiries refering the many facets of the political order and political life. In the Republic. Socrates’ middlemans Glaucon and Adeimantus. dispute the position that it is ever more preferred for an person to be merely than unfair. At this early portion of the paper. it is an imperative to explicate in farther item what Glaucon and Adeimantus’ challenge demand from Socrates. Glaucon and Adeimantus. following the position presented by Thrasymachus. demand an account from Socrates whether one is better off forbearing from unfairness even if one has the power to get away sensing or being caught. Socrates’ answer at the terminal of Book IV is clear ; that it is ever better for one to hold a merely psyche than an unfair psyche. This paper seeks to explain in full item. the challenge ( or problematic ) put forth by Glaucon and Adeimantus. Socrates’ answer. and more significantly. the grounds as to why Socrates was able to get at his decision. The cardinal inquiry of the Republic is. â€Å"What is justness? †and by such a inquiry. what Socrates ( or Plato ) seeks to get at is the Being or kernel of justness ; that is. what justness truly is. Such being the instance. the duologue itself is non intended as a mere practical enquiry about justness in the context of the Athenian political order and Athenian political life but more significantly. a sustained theoretical enquiry about the construct ( or definition ) of justness. It is for this ground that in Book I of the Republic. Socrates did non see his triumph over Thrasymachus as something which can be considered as a advancement in their treatment of justness. In summing up what happened in their full conversation. Socrates said the followers: Before happening the first thing we inquired about- viz. . what justness is- I let that travel. and turned to look into whether it is a sort of frailty and ignorance or a sort of wisdom and virtuousness. Then an statement came up about unfairness being more profitable than justice†¦ Hence the consequence of the discussion†¦ is that I know nil. For when I do non cognize what justness is. I will barely cognize whether it is a sort of virtuousness or non. or whether a individual who has it is happy or unhappy. ( Plato I 35 ) From a logical point of position. Socrates is right in the sense that prior to set uping whether or non justness is a virtuousness and whether or non a individual who has it is happy. it must foremost be established what justness is. In this existence of discourse. it is besides every bit of import to see that the statement of the Republic is basically. a moral one which centers on the very nature of justness in its absolute sense. As a reaction against the position of the Sophists. Socrates efforts to demo that justness is non unreal or illusory. The contradictory place to that of Socrates’ is presented by Glaucon in Book II of the Republic by recasting the statement before presented by Thrasymachus that â€Å"the life of the unfair individual is. they say. much better than that of the merely one†( Plato II 37 ) . In Book II. Glaucon presents the position that human existences are of course egoistic ; each looking after himself and his ain opportunisms. Sing this peculiar position. Glaucon explicates in item: Peoples say. you see. that to make unfairness is of course good and to endure injustice bad. But the badness of enduring it far exceeds the goodness of making it. Hence. those who have done and suffered unfairness and who have tasted both- the 1s who lack the power to make it and avoid enduring it- decide that it is profitable to come to an understanding with each other neither to make injustice non to endure it. ( Plato II 37 ) As a effect of the aforesaid transition. Glaucon claims that human existences â€Å"begin to do Torahs and compacts ; and what the jurisprudence commands. they call lawful and just†( Plato II 37 ) . An of import point that should be considered in the first horn of Glaucon’s statement is that in Glaucon’s words. we are able to happen an look of the position that moral duties have their beginning. in whole or in portion. from contract or an understanding. Such being the instance. it can credibly be maintained that. in every bit far as the challenge presented by Glaucon to Socrates is concerned. if the challenge itself is a moral one. so it is inevitable that the full discourse on justness besides be of the same nature ( that is. moral ) . In a really existent sense. one may deduce that in Glaucon’s position. the nature and the beginning of justness is simply based upon human infirmity ; that is. human beings’ incapacity â€Å"to do injustice without paying the penalty†and â€Å"to suffer it without being able to take revenge†( Plato II 37 ) . It is of import to observe that the acknowledgment ( or credence ) of Glaucon’s premiss ( that is. that the nature and the beginning of unfairness is simply based upon human infirmity ) is important if we are to understand the 2nd horn of Glaucon’s statement ; that is. as to why people who pattern justness â€Å"practice it unwillingly†( Plato II 38 ) . If it is right to state that people who pattern justness pattern it unwillingly. so the obvious job. on the portion of his middleman. that is. Socrates. would be as to how it can be cogently explained why justness is regarded as a virtuousness. and the merely individual is regarded as virtuous. This is a legitimate job because if a individual commits Acts of the Apostless which are merely merely because he can non â€Å"do unfairness without paying the punishment. †so his actions do non hold moral worth. The concluding behind this is simple: it is merely Acts of the Apostless which are free which can be applaudable or blamable. moral or immoral. Finally. Glaucon’s statement points out the inutility of justness if kept in private. Glaucon states the followers: This. some would state. is strong grounds that no 1 is merely volitionally. but merely when compelled. No 1 believes justness to be a good thing when it is unbroken private. since whenever either individual thinks he can make injustice with impunity. he does it. Indeed. all work forces believe that unfairness is far more profitable to themselves than is justness. ( Plato II 39 ) If Glaucon’s history of the nature and beginning of justness is right. so the aforesaid job must be addressed. It is of import to observe that Glaucon’s statement is mostly built upon the construct of human nature in the negative sense ; that is. the position that human existences are of course egoistic ; each looking after himself and his ain opportunisms. Adeimantus provides a retort for Glaucon’s statement. Whereas. Glaucon’s statement focuses on the statements for the high quality of unfairness over justness. Adeimantus’ statement focuses on the statements â€Å"that praise justness and disparage injustice†( Plato II 41 ) . Adeimantus’ part to the treatment of justness and unfairness is the puting down of the â€Å"praise and fault given to each†( Plato II 42 ) . By making so. Adeimantus believes that Socrates will be able to understand the Glaucon’s statement in its comprehensiveness and complexness. Adeimantus provides a elaborate explication of what people. particularly their sires. priests and poets say about justness and unfairness. At this point. Adeimantus’ words sum to what may be called societal unfavorable judgment. Adeimantus said the followers: As you know. when male parents speak to their boies to give them advice. they say that one must be merely. as do all those who have others in their charge. But they do non praise justness itself. merely the good repute it brings. ( Plato II 41 ) . The foregoing transition points out two things. First. what most people praise or blame is non justice itself but the repute that it brings. Second. most people’s blessing or disapproval of just/unjust Acts of the Apostless so are simply grounded upon the effects of such Acts of the Apostless and non because of the rightness or inappropriateness of the Acts of the Apostless themselves. Adeimantus offers another unfavorable judgment on the Gods and virtuousness in relation to the unfair individual. He said the followers: Begging priests and Prophetss to travel to the doors of rich people and carry them that. through forfeits and conjurations. they have acquired a god-given power: if the rich individual or any of his ascendants has committed an unfairness. they can repair it with pleasant rites. And if he wishes to wound an enemy. he will be able to harm a merely one or an unfair one alike at small cost. since by agencies of enchantments and captivations they can carry the Gods to make their command. ( Plato II 42 ) It is of import to observe that Glaucon and Adeimantus’ statements complement each other ; and together challenges Socrates to support his position that justness is preferred than unfairness without adverting simply the effects of being merely or unfair but what justness and unfairness is. in their ain right. Adeimantus sums this challenge to Socrates in the undermentioned: But I†¦ want to hear the antonym from you†¦ So do non simply show to us by statement that justness is stronger than unfairness. but tell us what each one itself does. because of itself. to person who possess it. that makes the one bad and the other good. ( Plato II 45 ) The predating treatment farther strengthens the claim that was before presented ; that the statement of the Republic is basically. a moral one ; since the challenge put away by Glaucon and Adeimantus in Book II is besides. by its really nature. moral. Now that we are able to show Glaucon and Adeimantus’ challenge to Socrates in full item. our following undertaking is to put down the statements presented by Socrates in his defence of justness. Although it is Socrates who does the speaking in the Republic. it can be argued that at some point in the duologues such as this 1. Socrates simply served as a mouthpiece of Plato. This is to state in that the Republic. Plato departs from Socrates and conducts his ain philosophizing. In reading Plato. one may deduce that his political theory is really closely connected with his moral doctrine. The challenge put away by Glaucon and Adeimantus received a really drawn-out treatment by Socrates in his usual method of oppugning. In response to the challenge of specifying justness itself. Socrates likens the province to the psyche of an person. This is to state that the province serves as the universe of the person and the person. the microcosm of the province. For the most portion. this is the chief analogy within which Socrates’ ( or Plato’s ) response to Glaucon and Adeimantus consists in. Elaborating on this analogy farther. in every bit much as the province is composed of different categories. the single psyche excessively. is composed of different parts ( or elements ) . Such being the instance. the key to understanding the construct of justness is to be found in analysing the very nature of the province because â€Å"there is justness that belongs to a individual adult male and besides one that belongs to a whole city†( Plato II 46 ) . In the duologue. Socrates provides a differentiation between â€Å"war†and â€Å"faction†( Plato V 162 ) . The former. harmonizing to Socrates. refers to ill will towards aliens whereas the latter refers to ill will towards one’s ain. Such a differentiation is helpful if we are to get at a Fuller apprehension of the underlying thought behind the analogy between the justness in an person and justness in the province. Socrates said the following to Glaucon: Now. notice that whenever something of the kind that is presently called cabal occurs and a metropolis is divided. if each side devastates the land and burns the houses of the other. the cabal is thought detestable and neither party is thought to love the metropolis. ( Plato V 163 ) The underlying thought in the analogy is that if a metropolis has bing cabals. so that metropolis is divided and it will non be able to work good. In this context. justness is considered as a general virtuousness. This is to state that all parts are carry throughing their typical maps and in the procedure. are besides accomplishing their several virtuousnesss. Therefore. justness in the province can merely be attained if the three categories in society fulfill their maps. In the same vena. for an person to map good and flourish. it is imperative that the there exists a harmoniousness among the elements of the psyche of the person. In the concluding analysis. Glaucon and Adeimantus’ challenge to Socrates ( or Plato’s ) incited a drawn-out treatment of the nature of justness ( and unfairness ) . In his defence of justness. Socrates makes usage of the analogy between the psyche of the person and the categories of the metropolis ( or province ) . In both instances. Socrates points out two of import things via the analogy. First. in the context of the metropolis. justness is making one’s typical map in the metropolis. Second. unfairness occurs when a portion of the whole is non carry throughing its typical map. In the same vena. the same line of logical thinking may be applied to the psyche of the person. Socrates asked the followers: What about an appetency that goes beyond these and seeks other kinds of nutrients ; that. if it is restrained from childhood and educated. most people can acquire rid of ; and that is harmful to the organic structure and harmful to the soul’s capacity for wisdom and moderation? ( Plato VIII 256 ) The point is clear. Against Glaucon and Adeimantus. what is superb in Socrates’ analogy is that through it. he was able to indicate out that justness is more superior ( and preferable ) than unfairness because. if we are to follow the analogy. without justness. a metropolis will non be able to work. If. for illustration. the armed forces will go from its typical map and seek get wealth like merchandisers or govern a metropolis. unfairness occurs. The same is true if a merchandiser will seek to go the swayer of a metropolis. In the context of the individual’s psyche. if the appetitive component is more dominant than the rational component. so that person will non be able to work good or boom. Justice so. in both the person and the metropolis ( or province ) is the harmoniousness among elements: moderation. bravery and wisdom. Plants Cited Plato. â€Å"Republic. †Republic. Ed. C. D. C. Reeve. Neptunium: Hackett Publishing. 2004.
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Text and PPT for required article reading discussion (500 words with Essay
Text and PPT for required article reading discussion (500 words with ppt) - Essay Example As a result of the contribution of women in these niches, their importance and value is proven significantly. This is the bright picture of the decade following 1990 that women began to realize their importance in the society and began actively participating in different fields of life. The writer also argues that women have not only become part of different sectors of social life, they have proven that they could be as good or even better than men in some fields. The success of women in society after 1990 implies that the institutions have brought positive change to utilize the skills and knowledge of women for the betterment of society. This arguments of Angela McRobbie regarding success of women in the post-feminism era after 1990 show that feminism has been taken into account in only certain niches of the society. The institutions became modern with respect to their teachings and behavior. They contain women as their integral part that has undermined their feminism a great deal. As the women got educated to higher levels, their thinking developed against feminism. The writer also presented one important point in the article that feminism has been considered only off and on in the era following 1990. Feminism requires women to understand their true power in the society that marks their success. However, their spiritual values shouldn’t be sacrificed in any case. The degradation of feminism is embedded even in the success of women in different sectors of life. When you find women in the leading roles of the society, they have to forget about the conventional thinking. As they become more educated, the elements of feminism will reduce automatically and these factors will be replaced by modernism. The involvement of both sexes in different fields of life is a bright prospect for the economy of the countries. There will be more people working for the welfare of the society. However, the
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
The second media age (communication course) Essay
The second media age (communication course) - Essay Example (Sullivan, 2009, Internet) The Internet has practically become an effective tool of building self-esteem among people who needed to have the attention that they think they deserve and be able to gain satisfaction from life, no matter how ordinary it was. The internet was able to present a whole new world of opportunities to individuals who are specifically concerned of how they are recognized by the world. How was it possible for the internet to provide this particular source of personal self-esteem through social sites such as youtube,, Friendster, facebook and so on and so forth The discussion that follows herein shall give a proper presentation as to how the Internet has become a proper channel of inspiration and the host of modern technology's capability to make ordinary people's lives somewhat extraordinary and more fulfilling in many ways (Buzzard, p.206). To start with, a discussion on broadcasting and how it is applied in the field of internet procedures of showcasing the people's talents over the web shall be presented in the section that follows. Broadcasting is the ba... at simply aim to present someone's capabilities to the public in an aim to inform, to entertain or to simply present something to the viewing and listening public. Before, the word broadcasting has been noted to be used only by professional network operators around the world alone. It was not that easy for anyone to simply penetrate this kind of broadcasting. The basic idea is that, for someone to be able to present himself or herself in videos through television or even through audio tools such as the radio, that individual should be able to pass some personal criteria requirements for the network owners to agree to the showing or showcasing of the said individual's talents to be presented to the public. (Hills, 2001, p. 122) However, gone are the days when people used to fall in line just to be able to get one elusive spot on television and radio networks to be able to show who they are. Gone are the days when people who are less fortunate and have the lesser financial source to spend end up in their homes frustrated over having the chance to present themselves to the public. With the introduction of the internet to the human society, it could not be denied that these worries on the part of those who really want to share their talents to the world were eased. How Through the emergence of web broadcasting (Morris, 1996, p.43). This procedure of web hosting on the major social websites that are allowing people to connect to each other provides a wide storage system which is called "memory" through the use of the internet for those who aim to become members of the said sites. Likely this large memory storage is dedicated to photos, music or audio files as well as videos that the part-owners of the site, wh o are the users, might one to show or share with their network
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Implementing Green Technology In Malaysian Construction Industry Environmental Sciences Essay
Implementing Green Technology In Malaysian Construction Industry Environmental Sciences Essay This study covers the research on challenges of implementing green technology in Malaysian construction industry. This chapter comprises of background of the study, problem statement, objectives of study, significance of study, research methodology, and limitations of study, organisation of chapter and summary. 1.2 Background of the Study Green is a term that refers to something that environmental friendly in which helps to tackle global warming and climate change. Technology utilizes these green features are known as green technology. According to Kutting (2000), green technology is used synonymously with terms environmental technology or clean technology and can be said to refer to technologies that aim to have little impact on the environment. This technology is an idea and understanding found to be exceptionally beneficial to the environment as it can reduce greenhouses gases release to the atmosphere which in turn causes warming of the earth drastically. Humans these days have already gain awareness and deep understanding that these catastrophic disasters are now affecting their life that they persist in non-stop invention of many environmental-friendly technologies and retail them in the market. They comprehend this technology can reduce impact of activities that causes global warming and climate change. According to Rogier (2012), environmentally friendly technology utilizes many methods for reducing the impact that various activities have upon the earth. There are many types of green technology products available in the market that generate low level of waste and pollution such as solar photovoltaic panel, wind turbine and rain harvesting as stated by Rogier (2012), to be considered environmentally friendly, a product or action should be sustainable, produce as little waste and pollution as possible, and utilize the recycling and reuse of materials whenever possible. Nowadays, green technology plays important roles in the construction industry become part of the construction industry. Green technology such as solar panels and energy efficient appliances become essential features in the building. Besides, renewable and sustainable materials are integrated with these elements to make the building green or so-called green building. 1.3 Problem Statement The worlds climate has changed dramatically and confronted with many climatic problems since the birth of the Earth. This has proven when Bernstein (2007) states that warming of the climate system is unequivocal, as is now evident from observations of increases in global average air and ocean temperatures, widespread melting of snow and ice and rising global average sea level. Human nowadays are attempting to uncover answers to preclude the large-scale disaster. One measure ascertain to mankind is technology of more towards environmental friendly approach or known as green technology. In the beginning of 21st century, numerous advanced nations adopted the expansive utilization of green technology as they deem its capability in halting the global catastrophic disaster. The implementations to the building, vehicles and electronics have been developed among them. The encouragement and awareness of their populace enable the green technology industry to boost up the production. It differs to lower economical developed countries such as Malaysia; the challenges are superb when implementing green technology principally construction industry. Green technology is the decent invention to reduce level of carbon emission from buildings in Malaysia but all at once restrain the developers and contractors to apply it in Malaysian construction industry. The reasons are the high cost and minimal availability in the market. However, it is not necessarily that green technology involves with high expenses. Green technology need not be high-tech. It can be simple technology but still saves energy or creates very little environmental impact and can be easily used (Singh, 2010). Not only that the cost is the issue, also the local banks in Malaysia also are unwilling to risk in providing loan towards green incentives. Commercial banks were reluctant to disburse loans for green technology-related projects in Malaysia due to the possible lack of confidence in such ventures (Najib, 2010). 1.4 Objectives of the Study The aim of this dissertation is to explore about the challenges of implementing green technology in Malaysia construction industry. In order to achieve this aim the following objectives are recognized: To comprehend the low level of green technology resources. To understand scarce of financial initiatives in supporting green technology. To examine low level of knowledge among construction players and other related parties on green technology. 1.5 Significance of Study This study is expected to identify the challenges of implementing green technology in Malaysian construction industry. This finding eventually undertakes the problems encountered to implement green technology in Malaysian construction industry. It also assists paradigm shift to migrate from traditional construction to cleaner and greener construction. The outcome of this study will certainly benefit to one of the objective of the Construction Industry Master Plan (CIMP) which is to promote more innovative green construction. 1.6 Research Methodology The study on the problems to the embracing of green technology in Malaysia construction industry is a relatively new research area and there are deficient of relevant research in Malaysia require to be referred. Therefore, it must be conducted with the limited amount of resources but the study can be scoped only the Klang Valley area. Two types of data, that is primary data and secondary data. For the primary data, interview section and case study will be conducted. For the secondary data, literature reviews are written from references of books, articles and from the internet that are related to the research. The methodologies have been identified to facilitate the necessary data are as follows: Interviews (primary data) Case studies (primary data) Literature Reviews (secondary data) a) Interviews Quantitative methods such as questionnaire will not be very accurate and appropriate in obtaining the data for the research. This is due to the study requires individual opinions and assessments. Hence, qualitative methods for example interview is the best technique in order to obtain relevant data. This sort of methodology was carried out to request opinions and feedbacks from developers, architects, engineer and contractors about the cost of green technology to be used in construction site, the initiatives of local bank towards green technology investment and level of knowledge and experience on green technology among the players in Malaysian construction industry. b) Case studies This methodology is conducted in line with the interviews and supports this primary methodology. The case studies involved with previous and recent projects in which the buildings are built with green technology. Thus, it was carried out in the vicinity of Klang Valley where many green buildings are constructed. The examples of green buildings in this area are G-Tower in Kuala Lumpur, diamond buildings and LEO building in Putrajaya. These studies are to achieve the objective; to explore the lack of utilization of green technology in Malaysian construction industry. c) Literature Reviews Literature review are used to obtain the previous research predominantly on the challenges of implementing green technology in construction site which includes the cost and local bank initiatives and knowledge and experience among construction stakeholders 1.7 Limitation of Study For the scope of the study, the limitation is conducted in order to focus and narrow down the topic of specific areas in the research. The study will be centered on challenges to implement green technology in Malaysian construction industry: i. Respondents from contractors, developers, architects and engineers in construction industry. ii. G-Tower in Kuala Lumpur, diamond buildings and LEO building in Putrajaya. iii. Urban areas in Klang Valley. 1.8 Organisation of Chapter Figure 1.1: Chapter 1 Organisation 1.9 Summary This chapter comprises of background of the study, problem statement, objectives of study, significance of study, research methodology, and limitations of study, organisation of chapter and summary that cover the challenges facing construction technology to be executed in Malaysian construction industry. Study background embraces the term green technology, various types of green technology existed for sale and application of green technology in the construction industry. Problem statement comprises of the challenges such as lack of utilization, lack of initiatives from local bank and lack of knowledge and experience among construction stakeholders about implementation of green technology in construction site. This make out the objectives of study. The significance of the study can be summarized which it can undertakes the challenges by identifying the main factors of hardship in implementing green technology. There are three kinds of research methodology aiding the accomplishment of the study which are interviews, case studies and literature reviews. Limitations of study span within vicinity of Klang Valley. Organisation of chapter outlines the overall picture of the whole Chapter 1.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Graduation Speech -- Graduation Speech, Commencement Address
As I look back upon the past four years, in some ways it seems like my time at Kiper has been a lot like a day at the Magic Kingdom. From the moment I heard about Disneyland, I knew that I wanted to go. I counted the days until I got there, much the way that I counted the days until I left Harbour Pointe to migrate over to Kiper. Time passed so slowly because I was anticipating the great times ahead. At the end of middle school, my classmates and I thought we were so cool because we got to make that trip to someplace fun and exciting. On the first day of high school, we got up early like eager kids ready for a day of play. At Disneyland, people line up early to get their tickets and begin their enchanted day. As freshmen, we lined up early to get our class list, incredibly thrilled to finally be here. Our heads were full of the stories we had heard about how exciting it would be. Little did we know what awaited us. With our admission pass, commonly known as the schedule, we too got a map. Like Disneyland's, ours had pictures of the paths to take, leading to our varied destinations. Some thoughtful senior had actually color-coded mine, so I knew which direction to go. Our maps led to the science hall, the English hall and the Performing Arts Center, while Disneyland's led to Adventure Land, Toon Town and Main Street. Their map listed various places to grab sustenance like the Rainforest Cafe, Mickey's Kitchen and Rocket Pizza, while our map boasted four: the Commons, the East Campus Cafeteria, the Student Store and, God help us, the vending machines. With 10 minutes to go, the class of 2003 hurled themselves into the crowd of hustling students. Some of the freshmen were simply so glad to be there that the mod didn't... ... as a freshman and stared up at the brick edifice known as Kiper. It is incomprehensible that we have grown up so quickly and are about to leave forever. Never again will we all be in the same place in time. All good things must eventually end, but the wisdom, the friends and the experiences that have changed us will remain a part of us forever. It is unbelievable that the admission pass has expired and the gates are about to close. It is time that we leap out of a storybook fantasy and into the real world. Four years later, as graduating seniors and young adults, it is time to stow the baggage we collected, climb back into the car and drive down the road to the future, never looking back. It is time to journey out into the world, to make our places as individuals, a group no longer and to make our own unique mark upon the world. Congratulations, Class of 2003!
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Techniques of Poetry Appreciation
Techniques of Appreciating Poetry What is poetry? * Poetry is the creativity of a person's imagination. * It is nothing but rhythmical, imaginative language expressing the invention, taste, thought, passion, and insight of the human soul. * Like any other literary work, poetry needs to be understood to be appreciated. * The writer writes for a reason. * The purpose may be to evoke emotion, inform, define, represent something of the world or life, and to entertain. * Whatever the case, a poem is unique to its writer. And each poem can be analyzed to be appreciated.Here are some general ideas that may help one to acknowledge the beauty of the poem: Techniques of Poetry Appreciation: 1. Subject Matter * What is the poem about? * It talks about the general outline of the poetry. * It could be a person, an object, a place, an event, a situation or an experience. * What does the poet want you to focus on, in the poem or in each stanza? Answer: It is a dedication to the humble tomato, which is readily available to us at the grocery store or in our refridgerator. 2. Theme Once you have identified the subject of the poem, try and figure out what the poet wants to tell you.Look at the following: * the poet's message * his purpose * the ideas that he is conveying * the title; * What was the poet’s purpose or motive writing the poem? * What is the central idea of the poem? Always remember that feeling and tone work hand-in-hand with the subject & theme. Answer: * The theme of this poem is that you must learn to embrace the usual things in life that are often seen as dull, and find the beauty within them. * People must respect everything in life, no matter how insignificant it may seem * Pablo expresses his love towards tomatoes. The title of this poem is â€Å"Ode to Tomatoes†which is a dedication to the underappreciated but beautiful things throughout life. 3. Moods, Emotions and Experiences * What is the predominating mood of the poem? * Is it the poet fli ppant, sad, happy, dignified, angry, contemplative, or satirical? * Does the mood change? Answer: The poet changes the subject when speaking about different types of food: first tomatoes, then parsley, and oil. The poet changes the mood as he talks about different occasions: Summer feeling (mild, intense) Weddings (happy, bright) * What are some of the feelings expressed by the poet? What feelings does the poet arouse in you? * Does the poet succeed in conveying his emotions in you? Answer: * Man & Nature- This poem describes the relationship between man and a tomato. * Man v/s Man- This poem also describes societies view on mundane things. The tomatoes can be seen as representing people. It shows people’s different opinions and perspectives of others. 4. Language * Are the poet’s words appropriate and valid? * What emotions are built up around certain words? The words that are used and the way they are placed can enhance the power of the poet's creativity. Answer: Red viscera†= Guts (Violent). â€Å"Fiery colour†= Vibrant, passionate. â€Å"Bubble vigorously†= Aggressive, Enthusiasm. â€Å"Hemispheres†= Makes a tomato seem large and monumental. 5. Imagery There are various ways to paint a picture in the reader's mind through the use of words. * What are the symbolic or figurative devices used in the poem? * What effect is produced by the use of various figures of speechâ€â€metaphors, similes, personification? * Are the images visual, auditory, kinesthetic, tactile, olfactory or gustatory. Answer: â€Å"Summer light is halved like a tomato†= Day parted in half, it is noon. Summer- light is halved like a tomato†is a simile comparing the time of day to a tomatoes half, meaning that it is noon. â€Å"Tomato invades the kitchen†= Tomatoes are everywhere. â€Å"Tomato invades kitchen†is a personification. A tomato cannot physically invade and seize a kitchen; it is meant to show just ho w abundant the tomatoes are throughout the kitchen. â€Å"It sheds its own light†= Tomatoes radiate with beauty. â€Å"It sheds its own light, benign majesty†is a metaphor comparing the beauty the writer sees in the tomato to a wonderful light.He is saying that the tomatoes is brilliant and gorgeous; it stands out when he looks at it. â€Å"We must murder it†= Exaggerating the slicing of tomatoes. â€Å"We must murder it†is a hyperbole, exaggerating how we cut up the tomato. â€Å"It is wed to the clear onion†= It complements the taste of onions nicely. â€Å"It is wed to the clear onion†is a personification that shows how well the taste of tomatoes and onions complement each other. Pausing and punctuation have an effect on the structure, rhythm and rhyme of a poem. 6. Sounds * What about the sounds in the poem? Are the sounds in harmony with the thought and imagery? * Do the sounds suggest pictures, arouse emotions or bring out qualit y of the character? * What is the effect produced by the poet’s use of: alliteration, assonance, onomatopoeia and metre? * Are the musical qualities of the poem outstanding? * Is rhyme used for emphasis? 7. Rhyme * Does the poem have a set rhyme scheme? * How it is used in the poem? Is the movement slow, steady, or fast? OR Is the rhyme constant or varying? * Does the poet emphasize words or the message by means of the rhyme scheme? What is the purpose and effect of the rhyme scheme? 8. Form/ Structure * How is the poem structured? * How are the stanzas organised? * Is the structure itself convention? The form of the poem is very important. You should know what kind of poem you are dealing with: e. g. ballad, epic, ode, sonnet, dramatic monologue, elegy, etc. Answer: It is an Ode Its written to show reverence to the most ordinary things in life – claiming to have an extraordinary worth or value. Merits| Demerits| 1. Enriches learning of poetry| 1. Time consuming| 2. Ad d value to the text| | 3.Inculcates scientific temper and a spirit of inquiry. | | 4. Allows critical evaluation| | ‘Ode to Tomatoes’ by Pablo Neruda The street filled with tomatoes midday, summer, light is halved like a tomato, its juice runs through the streets. In December, unabated, the tomato invades the kitchen, it enters at lunchtime, takes its ease on countertops, among glasses, butter dishes, blue salt cellars. It sheds its own light, benign majesty. Unfortunately, we must murder it: the knife sinks into living flesh, red-viscera, a cool sun, profound, inexhaustible, populates the salads of Chile, happily, t is wed to the clear onion, and to celebrate the union we pour oil, essential child of the olive, onto its halved hemispheres, pepper adds its fragrance, salt, its magnetism; it is the wedding of the day, parsley hoists its flag, potatoes bubble vigorously, the aroma of the roast knocks at the door, it's time! come on! and, on the table, at the midpoint of s ummer, the tomato, star of earth, recurrent and fertile star, displays its convolutions, its canals, its remarkable amplitude and abundance, no pit, no husk, no leaves or thorns, the tomato offers its gift of fiery color and cool completeness.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Climate Change is NOT a Problem Essay - 1439 Words
Global warming and climate change in general is one of those subjects that I hold very close to my heart; not because I go around in my spare time hugging trees and gathering vegans in Toyota Priuses to form a peaceful protest against big oil, but because climate change is a subject that everyone and their mom likes to chime in on without really knowing that much about. If you even mention that term â€Å"global warming†in a group of people, even the person who you wouldn’t believe can even form a sentence has an opinion. People must feel like it makes them better than others because they can regurgitate whatever CNN and Fox tells them. I’ve done about two or three papers on climate change and global warming in my highschool career, and even†¦show more content†¦The exhaust is released and it floats into the air and chips away at the ozone layer. With the ozone layer becoming thinner, more light and heat comes through, which, of course, will raise the t emperatures. To somebody new to the topic, this would be horrifying, and would make enough sense that it would scare you into buying a hybrid. In the past, they have found out that emission out of a car can be dangerous. Back in the 40s, we used lead in our gasoline. Health risks were rampant, but gasoline manufacturers and automotive companies would pay scientists and lawyers to side with them on the decision. It took large amounts work by a few heavily dedicated scientists to move for gasoline to be made unleaded, but eventually it did happen, we shook our lead dependency. (Dr. Neil Tyson’s â€Å"Cosmos†Series) However, unlike lead, carbon dioxide and greenhouse gasses emitted from anything human or human made has had no sign of large changes in our climate. University of Oregon actually gathered a petition of over seventeen thousand scientists saying that no sign of catastrophic heating of the earth’s atmosphere or disruption of the earth’s climate. (American Policy Roundtable) Seventeen thousand; that’s quite a number. Of course, now comes the time where I want to delve a little more into what they signed. They signed a petition saying that there is no human made cause of catastrophic climate changing. The key word that we all want to brushShow MoreRelatedClimate Change And Sociology : Global Warming1253 Words  | 6 PagesClimate Change and Sociology Danielle Cluphf College of Western Idaho Climate Change and Sociology Climate change known as global warming has been steadily increasing over time. Global warming is a catch phrase of social confusion. Society feels uncomfortable with this notion. Is it real or fake? Little do people know that human progression and population growth adds to carbon emissions in the atmosphere. 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