Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy - Essay Example At the age of six, he had already developed contractures with the calf muscles being the most severely affected (Larsen & Lubkin, 2013). By the age of nine climbing stairs and rising unaided was impossible, and at ten years, he was confined to a wheelchair. He has weakening trunk muscles which can easily cause scoliosis. His diaphragm muscles are also weakened which makes breathing and coughing difficult, and increases chances of lung infection. Complications such as sleep-disordered breathing; ineffective cough and nocturnal hypoventilation are being experienced. The patient also has difficulties learning through listening and attention span is low (American Thoracic Society, 2010). DMD symptom management The focus of this study is the symptom management of neuromuscular and skeletal muscles. In a review article by a team of 84 practitioners representing the specialists who provide care to DMD patients selected by Centre for Disease Control (CDC), they independently rated the interv entions and assessments that are used in DMD management (DMD Care Considerations Working Group, 2009). From this assessment, CDC expert panelists came up with management interventions for the neuro and skeletal muscles for a DMD patient at the stage in which this patient is. The first intervention for muscle strength and function is pharmacological intervention to address the progression of muscle degeneration in a DMD patient. The treatment that the review focuses on is the use of the glucocorticoids to optimize strength and function of these muscles. Glucocorticoids slow the collapsing of muscle strength, as well as its function, thereby reducing the risk of scoliosis and stabilize pulmonary function. The initial RCTs of patients on 0.75 mg/kg daily dose of prednisone for six months showed improvement in muscle strength. Prednisolone and deflazacort are other glucocorticoids that were shown to be effective on a daily dose instead of alternate days. These medications were shown als o to prolong ambulation and in patients that have become non- ambulatory showed reduced risks of progressive scoliosis and stabilization of pulmonary function. There is no agreed time to start the glucocorticoids therapy since this is based on serial assessments, as well as parental report in the disease’s three phases. However, for a patient who has lost ambulation such as this one, the CDC experts review points the therapy can be introduced or continued in order to preserve upper limb strength, reduce progression of scoliosis and slow down a loss of respiratory and cardiac function. The review concludes that other supplements could be used to manage the neuro and skeletal muscles weaknesses such as coenzyme Q10, carnitine, and antioxidants such as fish oils, vitamin E, green tea extracts and amino acids. In another review article by the CDC expert panel on the implementation of multidisciplinary care in the management of DMD, the expert panel of the CDC project addresses sk eletal and respiratory management (DMD Care Considerations Working Group, 2009). In spinal management, the earlier management with the use of glucocorticoid treatment is retaliated to curb progression of scoliosis and a small chance of developing vertebral compression fractures caused by osteoporosis.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Title of Paper Essay Example for Free
Title of Paper Essay Introduction The increase in our prison population has had a major impact on our families, communities, state and federal budgets. In 2000, 92% of federal prisoner released were non-violent offenses and one-third were imprisoned for sell drugs or for possession of illegal drugs. A common misperception is that all these prisoners are dangerous and imposes a threat to others in the community. United States should re-evaluate the great needs of families, children and the re-entry of prisoners in communities. I would like to share some concerns, viewpoints, future needs, and ways to apply what I have learned through the presentation. Concerns Some concerning issues of prisoners and their families and children have been that they are not an important part of the social policy. They are not included in the strategic plans of social services agencies or corrections departments. Our correctional population is numbering over two million and steady growing. Other concerns are the increase in women prisoners, the imprisonment of African American males, high recidivism rates, high cost of maintaining children in foster care placements, welfare assistance of women and children, and the reentry of prisoners back in the communities. Advocates for Social Justice In advocating for social justice for families studies are using theoretical perspectives which focus on the positive roles and functions that families serve as opposed to the problems that they experience indicate that families are important to prisoners and to the achievement of major social goals, including the prevention of recidivism and delinquency. Hairston’s (1988; 1991a) review of research on prisoners’ family relationship shows two consistent findings; â€Å"male prisoners who maintain strong family ties during imprisonment have higher rates of post release success than those who do not and men who assume responsible husband and parenting roles upon release have higher rates of success that those who do not. I feel that if there have been many positive researches why not follow up them to improve the impact of being imprisoned. Advocating for more parenting programs in prison and involve the incarcerated parents to be a more productive parent to help eliminate and prevent intergenerational crimes. Advocacy should built relationship with children parent and their children by helping child and parent understand their situations better and to mend some of the hurt, distance and humiliation that goes with being separated. About 40% of incarcerated mother in a national survey has relinquished responsibility for the physical care of their children to others. Realizing that not all incarcerated mothers nor fathers wants the connection or re-connection with their children and that’s understandable. But both still need that emotional and mental hurting. . The Role of the Human Service Worker Replace the level three heading with the words for your heading. The heading must be in bold font. How I Will Apply This Course Conclusion References This is a hanging indent. To keep the hanging indent format, simply delete this line of text using the backspace key, and replace the information with your reference entry.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
student :: essays research papers
Euthyphro Good or bad, right or wrong, truth or lie, piety or impiety, just or unjust, honorable or dishonorable; these controversies are and always have been problematic for human beings. It is not as easy as it seems to draw a line between those antonyms, partly because people have cultural differences, dissimilar backgrounds, educational levels, values, believes, and views on religion, as in the case with Socrates and Euthyphro. Following the conversation of Socrates and Euthyphro, it is obvious that Socrates is a philosopher who relies on his philosophic point of view and believes that it is not normal to pursue your own father for murder, if he killed a non-relative. But vice versa, it is alright to press charges against your father, if the victim is a family member. As seen from Socrates’s proposition: â€Å"I suppose that the man whom your father murdered was one of your relative -- clearly he was; for if he had been a stranger you would never have thought of prosecuting him†. He is not only surprised about Euthyphro’s desire to bring his own father to court, but is also amazed that religion beliefs might be stronger then the relationship between father and son. On the contrary, Euthypro observes this case from a different point of view. For him it doesn’t matter, who is the murderer: â€Å"The real question is whether the murdered man has been justly slain. If justly, then y our duty is to let the matter alone; but if unjustly, then even if the murderer lives under the same table, proceed against him†. One can then ask: â€Å"What are the criteria for recognition of whether the murdered man has been justly or unjustly slain?†Socrates was in court awaiting trial on charges of impiety. The philosopher sarcastically agrees to be Euthyphro’s disciple, when Euthyphro suggest that he has deep knowledge of religion and of things pious and impious. It was important for Socrates to understand the difference between these terms, as he had to appear in court with justification of his actions (rash imagination and innovations in religion). Along their debate, Socrates is little-by-little persuading Euthyphro that the distinction between just and unjust, piety and impiety, honorable and dishonorable is very ambiguous and depends on how it is viewed and by whom it is viewed. Socrates points out that things and actions are not necessarily pious and holy when loved by Gods, because even Gods were frequently involved in immoral acts and very often even quarreled with each other.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Women Development
Women’s condition in Nepal is even worse compared to their average situation in the world. Despite positive and improving reports in the situation, there is a long way to go to really make them feel that they are not exploited and discriminated. The female literacy rate of Nepal is about 35 percent, according to recent report, compared to male literacy rate of 63 percent. This vast difference exists not only in educational sector but also in almost each sector. The education is the foundation of awareness and further development.When they are barred from education, there is chance of discriminations being unreported forcing women to be quiet. The women in Nepal are exploited in many aspects. Sexual abuse and girl trafficking still persists which demands adoption of immediate measures to prevent the situation from being more worsened. Most of the victims of human trafficking in Nepal are girls who end up in the brothel of Indian cities. The female victims of domestic violence a re kept secret with the fear of losing social reputation specially to be prevented form possible refusal from their male counterparts and there no clear law to deal with the situation.In the remote villages of Nepal, women take care almost everything from bringing up children, manage food, taking care of cattle, collecting fodder and firewood to working in the fields. Despite their significant contribution in the family and society, they are mistreated and blamed for minor mistakes. The situation of Nepalese women seems to be improving in cities but the scene in the remote villages and hinterland is not changing at all. They are the victim of religion, culture and their male ‘guardians’.The Chaupadi system in western hill region of Nepal is yet to be rooted out, the Kamlari system in West Terai is still allowing to sell innocent teenage girls to unknown masters. The Muslim society of the country is still not awaken up to send all of their daughters in school, the drunke n husband has not stopped beating his wife without any reason and Dalit women are still treated as second class citizen by so called upper classes. These are only some examples of current situation of women in Nepal. The worldwide condition of the women is not better either.No matter where, the half of the world population should be addressed in each and every aspect of the life. The mere participation can not be much effective for the overall development of the society. Women’s problems are effectively dealt only by women themselves. Keeping them out of the social and political activities may cause social dilemma in the nation. The vivid example of relation between empowerment of women and social and economical development can be seen in many developed European countries.Sweden, which is known as a country with the best condition of women in the world is one of the most developed country in the world as well. Though in those developed countries too, the situation of women is not better than those of male, they are doing their best to keep the balance and further improve the situation. Thus the messages from those developed countries is ‘Empowering female means development of the nation’. The female participation in social, economical and political activities in the country like Nepal is vitally important. Women's legal rights and participation in civil society are limited across the country.Nepal is moderately religious country with vast numbers of ethnic groups, though it has been declared as a secular state after king was striped of his power by reinstated parliament in 2006. Though it used to be Hindu kingdom, there were no religion-related fanaticisms in the country. Nepalese are also relatively less repulsive to change. Hence, improving the women situation in Nepal is comparatively easier than many other countries in the world. Women are contributing more than 50 percent of the agricultural jobs which is considered as a backbone of Ne pal’s economy (Agriculture contributes Nepal's total GDP by 40 percent).They are the first teachers of their kids who are the source of future development of the country. Active participation of women in social, political and political arena means educated kids, improved health situation slipped human trafficking, declining HIV/AIDS infection rate and many other in current Nepal’s social scenario. They can make much difference in the outlook of our current society. They must be encouraged and given opportunity to walk parallel with their male counterparts. Even though some important laws are still missing, there are substantial laws n the nation to guarantee the right of women. Many laws are being modified to address the real need of the change and to follow up the international regulations but the situation is not getting much better. The law is only the way, we are the walker and if we do not walk our talk, the situation of women may never change and so will do the n ation’s situation. Women on the other hand should be aware of their situation act on their own. Many organizations working in the field should be able to extend their approach to the villages of remote areas.Political parties are advocating their commitment on equal participation of women in all fields but it has not been seen in the practice. Political leadership is still largely occupied by men essentially leading unequal equal participation in policy making level. So, it has to be done from the very base level. Lack of education is root cause of the situation. Female education has been shown to have a dramatic impact on women's earning power and on families' welfare but progress toward gender equality in education still lags behind to those of boys.Education for all should be guaranteed by the government which will certainly help to eliminate not only women discrimination but also other discriminations (ethnic, regional, religious etc. ) across the country. Once the litera cy rate rises, so does the female participation in many areas. To empower women, it has to be done by act not by words. The empowerment of the women will be one big step forward to overall development of the nation. As Nepal has already been entered into a new age of change, equality between male and female should be one of the top most priorities for policy makers.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Kaustav Bakshi
Kaustav Bakshi remarks that Tagore defamiliarises the image of a widow in the persona of Binodini. She is depicted as sharp, instinctive and passionate. Through the novel, Tagore seems to portray the natural yet socially forbidden desire of a widow ironically called Binodini – which is a name that often recurs in Vaishnav Kirtan connoting ‘sensuousness and pleasure loving'. She is a rare combination of beauty, grace and intelligence. There is a certain ease and spontaneity with which she carries herself and caters to the need of the people in Rajlakshmi's household. She is a traditional woman in the sense that she is well accomplished in household arts and has the attributes associated with womanhood such as selfless devotion and sacrificial spirit. The process of self realisation in Binodini follows a sequential pattern. She moves from a traditional acceptance of her fate as a widow to a realisation of her need to arise out of this blind acceptance and reaffirm her identity in society. Being an educated woman, her feelings and her outlook to life are characterised by a spirit of modernism. Binodini believes that the only person responsible for her being a young widow was Mahendra who rejected her as his bride even without seeing her. Overcome by a sense of vengeance, she resolves to avenge her humiliation by ensnaring Mahendra in her web of seduction. It is her consuming passion that lends a remarkable human touch to her personality and makes her self-effacement, more significant. The second stage in Binodini's progression is when her insight and intellect come into play. She does not reciprocate the love shown to her by Mahendra as she believes that he is a selfish man who loves neither his wife nor her but only himself. She replies contemptuously to a letter written by the Mahendra: I have no right to love or be loved in this world. That is why I play at love to lighten my sorrow†¦.I implore you again and again, please give me up, do not pester me, do not put me to shame with your shamelessness†¦You may shout and cry, but from me you will get no response whatsoever. (147) As soon as she realizes that this love game is killing her inner self, she decides to leave Mahendra's house emphasizing her power as decision maker.
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